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Unveiling the light;
illuminating souls.

“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

— Brené Brown


Roland Walters is a spiritual guide and counselor who assists individuals in connecting with their higher selves to bring awareness and healing, leading to a more conscious, loving and fulfilled life.

He utilizes his background in Reiki and shamanism and personal experience in Light energy to offer energy healing and spiritual counseling services. Part of the beauty of this work is sharing a safe space with no expectation, just authentic openness to give and receive.

Roland is dedicated to helping others heal their souls and discover their inner Light, driven by a deep sense of purpose and belief in the unlimited potential of the awakened spirit.


Consultation Services

My Consultation service, priced at $40, is designed to provide a brief discussion and initial meeting to address your search for healing. A consultation is not a full session but rather an introductory meeting to understand your needs, discuss how I can best support you, and determine if I am the right fit for your spiritual journey.

For those seeking in-depth, personalized spiritual guidance, I offer Full Sessions. These are extensive, two-hour appointments tailored to your unique spiritual journey. See the Services page for more details.


I would just like to say Thank You.

I don’t know if you remember me or not. I didn’t say too much that day, but for over a year I have had a lot of pain that flares up between my shoulder blades on the left of my spine and my lower back. When I came to the cascade that day it began to hurt again.

But when you made your way over to me, you told me that I “didn’t have to do anything,” I only had to “Just Be”. It was at that moment that I realized just how much weight I carry. Some of my own and some I’ve picked up from others that I just thought I shook off. I immediately couldn’t hold back the tears. After a few rounds, you came back and placed both your hands on each of the precise places that have been hurting on my back. You told me “I will help you move it if I can.” At that point a flood of emotions began to pour from me. As a person who hardly ever cries, I’m sure no one would have ever guessed it that day.

With that being said I just wanted to share with you that I have not had one ounce of pain since that day! It was my 1st ever visit to Oak Grove, and also 1st time ever meeting you. I feel like that helped the process as well because I didn’t feel like I had anything to lose with anyone because I was a stranger to you all.

I am usually the one that everyone comes to for guidance…but it was so refreshing to let my guard down and “Just Be.”

From my heart, I just want to thank you for making yourself vulnerable. It has truly helped me on my journey. “

– Brian

“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

— Sogyal Rinpoche